Have you ever had the urge to turn on your Macintosh and begin working where you last left off, with the same applications and documents open and running? This is the first step to such a utility. I hope you enjoy watching the product mature.
This version only handles applications. When you Restart or Shutdown from the Finder, the same applications will be running when you start up again. Future versions are planned to handle open documents, so when you start up you truely are where you left off in your open documents.
If anyone has designs for a more aesthetically pleasing icon please let me know. I thought is more appropriate to include something at startup than nothing.
System 7 or greater is required in order to execute.
Just place the Yo-Yo System Extension in the System 7 Extensions Folder or you can drag Yo-Yo on top of the System Folder and it will be placed in the Extensions Folder.
Usage / Operation
Special Keys:
Shift key:
When the shift key is pressed before the "Welcome to Macintosh" window, all extensions are disabled. This is a standard System 7 feature.
When the shift key is pressed after the "Welcome to Macintosh" window and when the Yo-Yo INIT trys to load, it will not be loaded.
Command-z combination:
If this key comination is pressed as Yo-Yo loads, it will remove any aliases in the Start-Up folder which end with " Yo-Yo". This is useful if you need to boot fast and not have to wait for all the applications to load.
Note: The Command-Shift-z keys can be pressed all at the same time.
As applications are started, an alias for that application will be created in the Startup Items Folder.
When an application quits, the alias previously placed in the Startup Items folder will be removed.
Upon a Restart or Shutdown from the Finder, applications which quit will not remove the alias. This is how Yo-Yo 'remembers' what applications to start.
Some applications default to a new blank document when they are started. Two such programs are Microsoft Word and TeachText. An application like Think C brings up a dialog box. In the future it would be nice to see applictions have an option to start up without opening an empty document it needed.
There is no warrantee or guarantee to the operation or claims of this product. Any loss of data or functionality of the system is at the risk of the user. Use at your own risk.
Trademarks used herein are the property of their respective owners.
Yo-Yo was developed and tested on a Quadra 700 running System 7.01 with Tune-Up.
Other environments it has been run on are a IIci and IIcx with System 7.01, PowerBook 160 w/System 7.1
A multitude of other INITS, too numerous to mention, where used in conjuntion with Yo-Yo.
It has been used in 32-bit mode, but has not been tested with virtual memory enabled.
Interaction with "At Ease" is unknown at this time.
Thank you to:
Brian L. Shiflett for suggesting the name for this extension.
Cookie Yee for willingness to try on her PowerBook.
Fee & Distribution
Yo-Yo is a copyrighted shareware program. If you like it, send $10 to the address below. Distribution on CD-ROM with out my written permission is NOT authorized. Companies that distribute public domain/freeware/shareware software for profit are expressly prohibited from distributing Yo-Yo except for online information services (AOL, CompuServe, GEnie, Internet FTP Servers) and Macintosh user groups which hold regularly scheduled public meetings.
The $10 Fee is waived for beta versions of this product.
Bug and Comment Reporting
Send email to craig@icp.net or haneyC@moravian.edu
Postal Address:
Craig A. Haney
1647 Anderson Rd.
McLean, VA 22102
Those of you on AOL can use the Internet Mail Gateway.
If you don't know how, now is a great time to learn.
Please do not send email to my AOL account unless it is a design for a better icon.
The ultimate goal - to have Yo-Yo handle documents besides just applications.
Write a CDEV interface which will allow:
1. Exclusion of selected applications from being Yo-Yo'd. A good example of this would be Print Monitor.
2. Ability to customize the controls in order to avoid any possible conflicts with other extensions.
Balloon Help where applicable.
Keep statistics on which applications are used most frequently and for how long, how often the same application is restarted by the user (ineffecient use of time), etc...